Frequently Asked Questions
Working at Bucky’s Convenience Stores is SIC: Smile, Interact, and Care is our mantra. Our team members work hard and have fun! They are drawn to our visionary yet simple commitment to people. SICness is contagious…catch it!
We love getting feedback from our customers! See the Contact Us section on our website for several ways to reach us. We will respond!
We are located in Oklahoma, Kansas and Nebraska. Our website has an up to date listing of store locations.
We are constantly enhancing the Bucky’s Convenience Stores experience with new ideas and offerings. Please send an email to (Email address here) with your product information.
Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) is a clean, abundant and American fuel. It is made on site by compressing readily available natural gas to less than 1% of its volume at standard atmospheric pressure. CNG burns cleaner than gasoline or diesel. Natural gas vehicles emit 25% less CO2. CNG is sold by the Gasoline Gallon Equivalent. One GGE will take you as far as one gallon of gasoline, so mileage is the same.
Many existing gasoline-powered vehicles can be converted to run on CNG. You can also buy vehicles that are set up for natural gas. Virtually all light-duty NGVs are bi-fuel, meaning they can switch between CNG and gas/diesel on the fly.
Yes, Bucky’s Convenience Stores is proud to offer this clean fuel alternative to our customers! We currently have three CNG locations:
Energy Ball V200 wind turbines!
Yes! The power they generate offsets what we would otherwise have to buy from the utility company.
That’s a tough question to answer. While it’s nowhere near what we need to operate an entire Bucky’s Convenience Stores, it does make an impact.
Unfortunately, the manufacturer is in Holland and does not currently have a U. S. distributor. We buy them in bulk, and we install and maintain them ourselves.
Don’t stress about a leaky tire when you’re near Bucky’s! All Bucky’s Convenience Stores offer free air 24 hours a day. Our stores are also equipped with automated air dispensers to simplify the process of filling your tires. There is no need to bring your own pressure gauge. When you stop for air at Bucky’s Convenience Stores, you can get up and go while hardly missing a beat!
Yes. The question is how much difference it is going to make? It is determined by the PSI (Pounds per Square Inch) in the car tires. According to the US Department of Energy, every one psi drop in the pressure of the tires is going to lower gas mileage by 0.4 percent. It is easy enough to avoid by simply checking the air pressure once a week. We can all find ways to do a small part to conserve fuel. We are happy to provide this service to help you partner with us in our efforts too! All of our small efforts combined lead to a big, positive impact on our environment!